
The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!

The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!

$1.00 per pixel. 1,000,000 pixels.

The Lonely Island - Just 2 Guyz

The Lonely Island - Just 2 Guyz

they're just 2 guyz who are having a good time.
another one of the lonely island boys' tight raps

"spinach dip. real hot chicks. spike the punch and take a sip."


YouTube - SNL - The Chronic of Narnia Rap

YouTube - SNL - The Chronic of Narnia Rap

"you can call us aaron burr by the way we're droppin' hamiltons"



raymi told me i have cool hair.

i feel hugely complimented because raymi is seriously the awesome
even though it was mostly just a tiny little compliment in passing and im pathetic.



mothlullaby: i ve always wante you to be vain
teh hott: why
mothlullaby: i think all goo looking people should be vain
teh hott: oh
mothlullaby: you should appreciate your beauty
teh hott: are you vain
mothlullaby: yes
teh hott: excellent
mothlullaby: i like to look in the mirror
teh hott: what else
mothlullaby: i like to look in the mirror a lot
mothlullaby: i like shopping
mothlullaby: making guys faint
teh hott: HAHAHA
mothlullaby: haha


glish.com : CSS layout techniques

glish.com : CSS layout techniques

thanks to this my myspace is going to be the shit


Q-Unit - Greatest Hits

Q-Unit - Greatest Hits

boHOMIEan RAPsody?
ha ha ha ha ha

i give this mashup 4 out of 9 gunshot wounds


40ozMaltLiquor.com :: The 40oz Archive

40ozMaltLiquor.com :: The 40oz Archive

guess which brand this is:

My initial thoughts were correct. This beer sucks ass, big-time. The first sip totally reminded me of a time many years ago when I sucked water out of a piece of soaked cardboard.

you guessed it. it's natty ice.


new blog

big plans for this brand new blog.
not really. just random crap probably
pics, videos, a few mp3s but not too much

i have officially jumped onto the bandwagon

actually i probably did that when i joined myspace